Don't Leave Archers Hill Battle of Uhud

It is the second great war between Muslims and polytheists. The most important reason of the Battle of Uhud was the feeling of revenge of the polytheists. Since the archers on Ayneyn Hill left their places of duty, the polytheists left the war with victory. Hz. Hamza, Vahşî b. He was martyred by the Harb.
Don't Leave Archers Hill Battle of Uhud

It is the second great war between Muslims and polytheists. The most important reason of the Battle of Uhud was the feeling of revenge of the polytheists. Since the archers on Ayneyn Hill left their places of duty, the polytheists left the war with victory. Hz. Hamza, Vahşî b. He was martyred by the Harb. The Battle of Uhud was waged between Muslims and Makkan polytheists. The main reason for this war is the revenge efforts of the polytheists, who suffered a great defeat in the Battle of Badr. It was built on the Uhud Mountain, which is about 5 kilometers from the Masjid an-Nabawi in the north of Medina. During the Battle of Uhud, the archers on Ayneyn Hill left their places and the Muslims were defeated. Hz. Hamza was martyred in this war.


The Battle of Uhud took place between the Muslims and the Makkan polytheists on March 23, 625. The polytheists won this war, which took place because of the sense of revenge of the polytheists who were defeated in the Battle of Badr. Muslims were defeated. Hz. Hamza, Vahşî b. He was martyred by the Harb.


As in the Battle of Badr, the war with the blesseds began in the Battle of Uhud. Hz. Ali, Talha b. While he was killing Abu Talha, Hz. Hamza killed Talha's brother, Osman. With the escalation of the war, the Muslims advanced to the center of the polytheist army and killed twenty polytheists. Among those killed were the flag-bearers of the polytheist army. The flag of the polytheists fell to the ground and nobody could lift it from the ground. Muslim soldiers chased the polytheists until they left the battlefield. When the archers on Ayneyn hill saw that the enemy was defeated, he left their place of duty in order not to be deprived of the spoils. Khalid b. Just at this time, Walid took action to shoot the Muslims from behind. Abdullah b. Jubayr and ten of his friends were martyred. While Muslims were struggling to collect spoils, Khalid b. Walid made a sudden raid. Muslims caught between the two forces experienced a great panic. Hz. Hamza, Savage b. He was martyred by the Harb. Ibn Kamie, Hz. He wounded the Prophet (pbuh) with a sword blow. Utbe b. With the stone thrown by Ebu Vakkas, his tooth was broken. The Messenger of Allah fell into one of the pits that Abu Amir had dug before the battle and his knees were injured. Hz. Even then, the Prophet said, “O my Lord! Guide my people because they do not know the truth. '' Hz. Abu Bakr, Umar and Ali united with a group of Companions and Hz. He formed a circle to protect the prophet. Trying to protect the Messenger of Allah, Talha b. Ubeydullah was left as a result of a blow he received. Mus'ab b. Umayr was martyred by Ibn Kamie. Ibn Kamie, who killed Mus'ab, Hz. Thinking that he killed the Prophet, he started to spread this news around, while the Muslims suddenly panicked. Some forgot the password, which caused them to kill and injure each other. Meanwhile, Hz. The good news that the Prophet did not die Ka'b b. Malik gave. Hz. The Prophet retreated to the rocks of Uhud, although there were Companions around him. Although Abu Sufyan and his friends moved towards the rocks, the Muslims managed to repel them with the stones they threw. Thus the war ended.


At the end of the Battle of Uhud, Muslims lost seventy martyrs. Except for Abu Amir, all of the martyrs were tortured by the polytheists and their organs were cut. Hz. Hamza was martyred. The Savage, Hz. After removing Hamza's lung, he took it to Abu Sufyan's wife Hind. Hind, Hz. Taking a piece of Hamza's liver, he chewed it and gave the Savage his jewelry as a reward. In this war, the defeat of the Islamic army and the treatment of the martyrs by the enemy drowned the Muslims in sorrow. The fact that the archers that the Prophet placed at Ayneyn pass did not obey his order and left their places and started to collect spoils changed the course of the war. This shows that victory can be achieved with patience and obedience to the commands of the commander. The desire to obtain booty is to gain the approval of Allah and the Prophet. Obedience to the Prophet was prevented, and this situation led to defeat.