There is no happiness with Money!

People line up in front of the booths to buy national lottery tickets every year with the dreams of getting rich.
There is no happiness with Money!

People line up in front of the booths to buy national lottery tickets every year with the dreams of getting rich. The disasters of the unfortunate who made money in the past years teach lessons. Saying that the common fate of those who hit the lottery is to commit suicide, Münir Arıkan said, “There is a prophecy and it fulfills itself. "When we think of the millions waking up on the morning of January 1 with the feeling of not being able to win, that sadness is being attributed to the fate of the people who have won as a partner."

Despite the lack of good money from the lottery money, people continue to hope for the disaster ticket. Making evaluations on the subject, Life Coach Münir Arıkan said, “Undeserved borrowed goods look like transgression on a person. In this respect, the lottery is a combination of people's common sigh, hoping, disappointment. Therefore, it does not win. People share the dream of winning in an easy, effortless, effortless, and painless way, ”he said.



Drawing attention to the fact that what Allah deserves is the struggle to live, Life Coach Münir Arıkan said, “God has built the universe on the struggle to overcome difficulties. Actually, know that what is easy, fast and quick is the opposite of sunnah. Working is difficult, it takes a long process, but it is easy to play. As the ancients said, "the stolen property steals the door of income." That is, divine justice requires this. A researcher saw a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. Since the caterpillar stayed in the cone for a year, the cone hardened and pierced a small hole with its mouth and tried to get out. After watching a little, one of the man could not be sore and strained, he broke the hard shell of the cocoon because his wings would hurt. The butterfly fluttered and fell at the feet of the man who could not fly. And there he died in a snap. Apparently, he was forced to come out of that small hole, pumping blood to all the capillaries of his wings during that stress, in other words, his wings were made to fly.



Arıkan said, “There is no strong person in an easy geography, difficulty is cooking people” and said: “Difficulties ripen the raw. Games of chance, which are now called national, are also called games of chance. Fortune means destiny. It means the will of God. Will the lottery ever have luck? It will not have a good fortune, nor a winner. Because stealing means sharing the money of others without deserving it. Yes, everyone voluntarily gives a certain amount of money to that piece of paper. Coins are collected in a certain pool. These are the camouflage of the job. They distribute 20 percent of the money collected. 80 percent remain. Distributing a very small amount of the collected amount reveals haramism. Perhaps it is the obsession that has caused the winners among hundreds of people to commit suicide, that made them go bankrupt, that they divorce and their lives are miserable and miserable. Because those who do not win are a sigh. The pity of money for those who cannot win is also the punishment for their disappointment. "


Underlining that the biggest trouble in making the National Lottery forbidden is the merchant of hope, Arıkan said, “There is a vision of a life that not everyone can win. It takes a struggle for a person to win something. To win, he negotiates, determines an idea, makes a move, establishes a partnership, takes a lot of trouble. When a loan is not paid, it is sleepless until morning. In fact, all the trouble will cook it. And our Lord, the verse at once; He says "for a person, only his work has a reward". The money earned without working or being deserved does not remain with the person in any way. Undeserved borrowing stands on man like transgression. In this respect, the lottery is a combination of people's common sigh, hoping, disappointment. Therefore, it does not win. People share the dream of winning in an easy way, without effort, effort and suffering ”.


Referring to why the lottery jackpot is forbidden, Arıkan said, "They ask people the classic question:" What will you do with the money you earn? " He says "I will build a school, build a mosque, help." However, in the system established by Allah, the result is not dependent on quantity, but on percentage. You make 10 lira today. 1 percent makes 1 lira. Those who do not give 1 lira to the poor today will not give one percent of the 1 billion lira. Can you do something with 10 lira in your pocket today? With 5 liras you can feed a poor person today, but those who do not share half of 10 liras today will not share half of that 100 million, 50 million tomorrow. That's why that national lottery is two natural powers praised by Allah; Maybe that's why it may be haram because it devaluates labor and sweat, effort and struggle ”


Haram emphasis would bring happiness Arikan, "Whether in Turkey in America beautify their lives in another part of the world's lottery, I've never met a rich person's time is money gained from the lottery pleasures. You can't come across! God has revealed the evolution in human life. People who have a lottery are called lucky in news language, but we call them unfortunate, miserable, loser, ruined. "If the media members said that there was destruction on the other side of the coin, people would not take care of it," he concluded.